The first one I went to was my best friend's which was at a golf course. Because of how nice the venue was the wedding had to up its game. So It definitely took on the look of sophistication with its purple and brown palette and colorful flower displays.
The wedding I went to yesterday was just as beautiful but had much more of a cute, summery, garden wedding theme. The colors were my favorite part of the wedding: Yellow, Black, and White. Featuring black and white polka dots everywhere. One of my favorite parts were the party favors of little lemon drops in jars that have polka dot lids. That definitely made the table look very adorable. Picture Source
Since yellow would be incorporated into my dream wedding I found a lot of inspiration for creating such a charming wedding.
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I would definitely want those yellow shoes as wedding shoes under my gown. Its a nice surprise for anyone who sneaks a peak as you walk down the aisle.

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This inspiration board is everything I love. Has a slight french look to it but very modern and very ornate. I do get a little scared for things to look to much like a bumble bee. That is why I have now fallen in love with the grey/white/yellow color palette.
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This inspiration board showcases more of the white then grey. I am more attracted to the grey and yellow combination but the white keeps everything very light and bright. But I love all kinds of colors so I would like to throw in a bit of purple but more on the red side since red and yellow can compliment each other.
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I'm really obsessed with this color palette so since I'm not getting married anytime soon it will now be my new bedroom theme! Its the best I can do for now.
Christina Cowan Photography
I would definitely want those yellow shoes as wedding shoes under my gown. Its a nice surprise for anyone who sneaks a peak as you walk down the aisle.
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This inspiration board is everything I love. Has a slight french look to it but very modern and very ornate. I do get a little scared for things to look to much like a bumble bee. That is why I have now fallen in love with the grey/white/yellow color palette.
This inspiration board showcases more of the white then grey. I am more attracted to the grey and yellow combination but the white keeps everything very light and bright. But I love all kinds of colors so I would like to throw in a bit of purple but more on the red side since red and yellow can compliment each other.
I'm really obsessed with this color palette so since I'm not getting married anytime soon it will now be my new bedroom theme! Its the best I can do for now.